Psychologist ResidentAs a human, Robyn is highly ebullient and has a knack for identifying strengths in others and helping them capitalize on these to move toward the best versions of themselves-whatever that may look like. As a provider, Robyn is collaborative and strives to build strong therapeutic relationships predicated on warmth, transparency, curiosity, and humor. Her goal is to provide therapy that not only reduces symptoms and the distress associated with them, but also enhances quality-of-life. She particularly enjoys making therapy customized and experiential.
Robyn completed her undergraduate degree locally at Linfield College and went on to serve with Teach for America in Houston’s Third Ward. Robyn completed a post-bacc in natural sciences at The University of TexasatAustin before earning her MA and PhD in psychology from East TennesseeState University. Robyn spent the last year at the Fargo VA Health Care System where she received specialized training in trauma, sleep, biofeedback, and psychological assessment as part of her pre-doctoral internship. Robyn is currently completing her post-doctoral residency at NWAI and is grateful to collaborate with such a creative and talented team so dedicated to Exposure Plus Response Prevention. Robyn’s clinical training in graduate school focused on evidence-based assessment and treatment within multidisciplinary healthcare settings. Her previous externships have included a family medicine residency clinic, nurse-run rural health clinics, multiple VA hospitals, out patient mental health clinics, and community-based parenting programs. She has had the honor of working with patients from ages 1 to 98-years-old on a vast range of presenting concerns but has an affinity for OCD. Though Robyn’s primary theoretical orientation is cognitive-behavioral, her work with chronic and life-limiting illness along with infant mental health have led her to strongly value existential and ecological systems perspectives alongside behavioral approaches. When not in the office, Robyn can be found hiking/exploring new places (and obnoxiously stopping at anything remotely interesting), snowshoeing, playing games, trying to learn something new, cooking, or being walked by her dog. < Our Team |
Leave death nothing but a burned-out castle." |
PublicationsDolson, R. A., Morelen, D. M, Dodd, J., Clements, A. (2021). Pocket ace: Neglect of childhood sexual abuse survivors with the ACEs Study Questionnaire. Journal of Child Abuse and Neglect (117), 105049.
PresentationsSexton, A., Jones, V., Dolson, R. A., Morelen, D. (2020, April). The effects of perceived religious support in childhood on internalizing symptoms in early adulthood. Poster presented at Appalachian Student Research Forum, Johnson City, TN.
Dolson, R. A., Morelen, D. M., Dodd, J., Clements, A. (2019, April). Pocket ace: Neglect of childhood sexual abuse survivors with the ACEs Study Questionnaire. Paper presented at the Appalachian Student Research Forum, Johnson City, TN. Morelen, D. M., Dolson, R. A., Muzik, M., Rosenblum, K. (2018, Oct). Mom Power: Changing relationships through a community-based relational intervention. Paper presented at Zero to Three, Denver, CO. Morelen, D. M., Otwell, R., Dolson, R. A., Clingensmith, M., Rosenblum, K., Muzik, M. (2018, June). Implementation of a trauma informed parenting intervention to promote maternal mental health and reduce child risk. Poster presented at the Future Directions Forum of the 53rd Division of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC. Dolson, R. A., Tompkins, T. L., & Johnson, J. (2012, May). Education as a deterrent for support of prescriptive authority for Oregon psychologists. Poster presented at the meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, Chicago, IL. Dolson, R. A., Tompkins, E., & Tompkins, T. L. (2012, May). Internal and external factors associated with illicit prescription drug use in college students. Poster presented at the meeting of Association for Psychological Science, Chicago, IL. Dolson, R. A., Tompkins, T. L., & Hopping, E. R. (2011, May). In the wake of a veto: What do Oregon psychologists think and know about prescription privileges for psychologists? Poster presented at the meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, Washington, D. C. |
Invited Community Talks and Guest LecturesDolson, R. A., Israel, S., Hinz, C., & Nelson, K. (2023, August). Age, education, and age x education interactions in interpreting cognitive evaluations. Invited talk of original empirical findings delivered to VA Health Care System, Fargo, ND.
Dolson, R.A. (2022, December). Wrapped up in holiday stress: A values-based approach to health at the holidays. Invited talk delivered to all VAs within VISN 23, Midwest, USA. Dolson, R. A. (2022, February). ACEs in medical spaces: Empirically informed screening, brief intervention, and QI efforts at ETSU Family Medicine. Invited talk delivered to Quillen College of Medicine Psychiatry Grand Rounds, Johnson City, TN. Dolson, R. A., & Highsmith, M. (2022, May). Diagnosis and treatment of ADHD across the lifespan. Invited talk delivered to Kingsport Family Medicine, Kingsport, TN. Stockwell, G., & Dolson, R. A. (2022, April). Substance use disorders as routine family medicine care. Invited talk delivered to Kingsport Family Medicine, Kingsport, TN. Dolson, R. A., Cooper, G., & Highsmith, M. (2022, March). Saying ‘no’ to benzos and ‘yes’ to treatments that work. Invited talk delivered to Kingsport Family Medicine, Kingsport, TN. Highsmith, M., Cooper, G., Stockwell, G., & Dolson, R. A. (2021, October). Multidisciplinary Team Based Medicine. Invited talk delivered to Bill Gatton College of Pharmacy, Johnson City, TN. Dolson, R. A. (2020, August). Emotional health, regulation, and coping. Invited talk delivered to Elizabethton High school, Elizabethton, TN. Dolson, R. A. (2018, November). It’s just my style: Attachment in adulthood. Invited talk delivered to ETSU PSYC3470, Johnson City, TN. Dolson, R. A. (2018, November). When healers hurt: Contextualizing historical trauma and medical mistrust. Invited talk delivered to ETSU PSY4900, Johnson City, TN. |